Monday, January 19, 2015


my day today:
1. fought my way out from under cat purring on chest. took a video, but purring not captured.
2. dressed and listened to a pretty good forum on how to talk with kids about race (lessons to be applied to adults too).
3. took a long walk in alameda in the sun. snapped some old cars.
4. sat on my favorite bench and took a selfie. 
5. saw MLK likeness in a window (actually in all windows of this house).

(not pictured, among other things: the ebelskiver i made for breakfast! i also got stuck under the cat at breakfast. kale salad and more ebelskiver i ate for lunch, uneventful dinner leftovers, the erasing of the hard drive on my old computer. sharon van etten singing serpents)

Friday, January 16, 2015

lots of PL


paper doll pinky leon (bday suit; debonaire; super PL!; cowboy; strummin;) i forgot to photograph frenchie PL with his beret)

paper doll PL created for my 2014 holiday card (from the annual PL holiday card series).

PL year in review (video)

Saturday, January 10, 2015



glowing spotted bearded mitsy was workin' it on pacific ave.


Thursday, January 01, 2015

hello 2015!


my word for this year is new, which will mean boldness and risk-taking! things i'm not great at, but that are necessary for living! for a new therapist, new website (first new computer, as this one is on its last leg), new girlfriend, new direction creatively (and maybe job-wise?), new commitment to community building/volunteering in alameda, new arrangement in my living room to make it more conducive to making), new adventures, new hikes, new activities, new quilt sewing, new dance moves