Saturday, February 14, 2015

happy valentines day ❤


it's been a ridiculously beautiful few days here in the bay area. 72 degrees and everything blooming. too early for spring, but it sure feels good.

i did some mindless heart drawing and stamping for valentines. been a long time since i got lost in a project. i miss that.

everyone talks about how our brains are changing with our addictions to our phones/constantly checking them. i feel it (in numerous ways). i am considering taking a year off from FB and IG. or maybe i'll IG only on the weekends.

my plan is to each day try start at least one conversation with a stranger or acquaintance or have a longer conversation with a friend. this will be a HUGE challenge for me as i'm quite introverted, and i enjoy, for example, listening to music or reading and not talking with anyone on my daily bus commutes. but, i also would like more in-person interaction with people, and i may need to make this kind of commitment in order to make it happen. funnily enough, the day i came up with this idea—a couple of days ago—i had more conversations with strangers and acquaintances than i normally have in a week.

going to try this for a month to start, starting tuesday. we'll see how it goes/if i sense that my brain is acting any differently/if i can handle not checking my phone all the time.

❤ ❤ ❤

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