Sunday, December 31, 2017

in 2018


we are now four, with the addition of our two tuxedos: one calm, pear shaped girl and one petite mischievous lover, names tbd. 

we said fare well to our dear pinky leon.


word for the year: fleeting 
so that i remember how each moment is 
in order not to cling 
how life is 
to accept 
to love 
to live 
to let go 
to remember the big picture 
how small we are 
to make it matter 
to make
to revel 
to sink in 
to give 
to risk 
to try
to savor
to connect 
to dance and shout
to tend

each year's word is a variation on this theme, really 

we roar in to 2018!


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