bingo! some ephemera jenny sent along with this triangle dress i bought (for the fabric).
ug. this weekend i fell into the time sucker of facebook. (or ansiktsboken as my cousin calls it. ha! i love it when swedes translate english words to swedish. so often they just use english words interspersed in swedish, so it's fun to me when they change it up. or spell english words in a swedish way, like emajl instead of email {though i could be wrong about that one}.) it is fun (and weird) though to find high school folks and my cousins on there.
japp, och vi gör nya svenglish verb oxå; typ mejla, adda, fejsa...
... eller ignora (to ignore), credda (to credit), hajpa (to hype). Eller vad sägs om till exempel nörd (nerd)?
personligen gillar jag "sejfa" och "breeza" (hmm, fast det har ju ingen speciellt cool svensk stavning).
nörd är en favorit. thanks for the examples. ;-)
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