strange. in most areas of my life, i stick pretty closely to a schedule. i am one of those punctual people. i like to have a routine (though i often stray from it). so it's strange for me not to blog regularly. to blog daily for a week and then not to post anything for stretches of time. but that's just how it is here. my phototaking has all been for homework, and not so much for blogging lately. i continued on my own personal feet week by doing a project for typography class, taking pictures of the ground. we were supposed to look for things that looked like letters, using a theme and making a whole alphabet. my theme is the alphabet at our feet and includes many feet shots. (example above.)
sf people: there is a cool book arts exhibit on the top floor of the main library. 13+ Contemporary German Artists' Books. really varied and interesting book design. second listing here.
tonight i started reading a book mav wrote about, evening. the way the author portrays illness seems really realistic to me (not knowing what being fatally ill feels like...). real and surprising. the book is also very romantic. but it seems like maybe it will be about the meaning we give to various encounters by how we remember them. i can tell this book is going to absorb and tug at me.
i also finished animal, vegetable miracle last month and want to write about that on sew green at some point. going to read cradle to cradle soon too. have any of you read that one?
ps. i switched to a mac and safari, and i have no formatting options now in blogger. have to enter all formatting in the code. it sucks. i have to figure something else out!
Love the sound of your theme :)
Also wanted to mention that Safari does indeed break a few Blogger options. Your best bet is probably to download Firefox, since it doesn't seem to mind Blogger's wysiwyg features.
phew. thanks amanda for your recommendation! i didn't realize firefox was free. cool!
I too, would recommend firefox over safari. But amanda beat me to the punch!
I had that same problem with safari/blogger - now i use camino. works much better!
love your idea. hope you might share the finished alphabet? :) i really want to read evening too. xo
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