Sunday, August 16, 2009

dinner party?

from a dinner party in davis. didn't take many people photos. but really, wouldn't you rather see chickens and turkeys and horses?

sometimes i wonder what i'm doing in SF when i go visit people who have a gigantic garden, a chicken and turkey coop, dogs, a cat and neighbor horses. when i was growing up, my parents had chickens, horses, dogs and a cat (and the occasional goats and ducks). i do miss the menagerie. not sure i'd want to have all those critters full time though.

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1 comment:

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

I've lived both the urban life and the rural life and there are wonderful things about both lifestyles. It's such a tough call deciding which is best, but for now, like you, I am an urban San Franciscan. Life is pretty good--no complaints, but I do love my escapes to West Marin and wouldn't mind owning a few goats one day.