some leaf earrings i made for my housemate heather. she picked the fabric, which she thinks may be called psychedelic tomato. groovy. they are pretty big, but they look good on her. i'll have to snap a pic of her in them too.
i switched my keyboard viewer to swedish to write an email, and though i've switched it back to english, it won't stick. it keeps reverting to swedish, and then my shortcuts don't work and semicolons become ö's. my computer really wants me to write in swedish to you. så är det! väldigt irriterande. more later. or mer sedan.
Jag hoppas att du är tvungen att skriva i svenska, eftersom jag ska studera svenska i år och borde träna. :)
I like those earrings a lot, they'd be too big for me, but on some people earrings like that look amazing. (Had to change to English since I wasn't sure what I should do to the word 'örhänge'.)
Du får passa på att kommentera på alla Svenska bloggar som du läser, nu när du har alla prickar på rätt ställe :)
Ser fram emot att se henne i dina örhängen.
shash you are so cool. i love that you speak swedish. and you don't know how bad i covet those groovy tomatoes. hope to catch up soon around our trips to oregon.
for windows xp, you can type left alt and shift to reset your keyboard language. it's a sweet shortcut.
it might work on a mac too ; )
cute earrings!!!
these are lovely--what a great idea for earrings! (I never thought to make earrings with fabric shapes...) :)
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