(it seems i'm all about alliteration lately.)
inspired by lisa's bday list (where is it?) and kim's list (from nov. 9, 05), here are 33 things (mostly about stuff i haven't mentioned before on this blog) about me:1. i really don't like drinking from big glasses. the smaller the glass the better (unless it's a shake or smoothie).
2. for show and tell in kindergarten, my dad took some of our goats to school and they jumped about on the blacktop, across the squiggly lines (for all you top of the world elementary kids, you remember the squiggly lines, right?)
3. my first tape was van halen.
4. my first cd was led zeppelin.
5. the 8-tracks my parents had when i was little, and that i loved and memorized the words to, were by: linda ronstadt, anne murray and paul simon (i still love these!)
6. my favorite record my parents owned was the sven bertil taube one that had änglamark on it (in close second to änglamark was the oakridge boys giddeuppaumpapaumpapamowmow song)7. in 5th grade i had about 5 michael jackson posters on my walls.8. for the talent show in 8th grade, my friends heather (pictured above) and catherine and i lipsynced and danced to venus by bananarama.9. i think my lack of siblings makes me dream of communal living/cohousing, cooperatively owned stores and art/design collectives (even though i need a lot of alone time).10. i straddle a fine line of needing to be/enjoying being alone and feeling lonely,11. which makes me think of the lucinda williams song lonely girls and that i like heavy blankets.12. with kitties under them.13. i abhor mushrooms and i don't care for peas. i don't like bitter tasting things like coffee and beer and arugula. (yeah i'm picky i know.)
14. i don't eat meat (became a veggie around age 9), but i love the smell of bacon, pork, sausage, ham....15. i used stones and sticks as toilet paper on a 2 month backpacking trip i went on during college. (too much information?)16. on that camping trip i frequently laughed to the point of almost peeing because of rita m. (who did laugh to the point of peeing).17. the only other person in my adult life i laughed that hard with that often, was åsa in my environmental studies class at lund universitet. (i knew both rita and åsa for only short periods of time and then lost touch. brief gifts of crazy laughter.)18. i've always loved school.19. i believe strongly in affirmative action in the absence of a revolution.20. i wish those leaf blowers would be banned and people would turn off their cars when they are parked for extended periods of time, especially when they're not EVEN IN THEIR CAR.21. i wish public transportation was the kind by which most americans traveled. i wish there was a bullet train that stopped only in seattle, portland, san francisco, LA and san diego. 22, i love traveling by train.23. i love the smell of the subway/underground.24. i love swimming and playing badminton and ping pong.25. i love playing pictionary, other board games and cards.26. my friend laurel and i ruled at pictionary in high school. she drew one line and i guessed circus correctly (or maybe it was the other way around).27. laurel and i played clarinet in the 4th and 5th grades and pretty much fingersynced the songs.28. my favorite color is green.29. despite my being a big homo, i've kissed more boys than girls. and i've liked it. go figure. (i do hope to turn that record around though, so if you know any cute, single lesbians...hahahaa. {i'm only partly kidding.})30. continuing on that theme, i didn't kiss anyone until i was 21. (i'm a late bloomer.)31. i didn't drink any alcohol (despite growing up in laguna beach) until i was out of high school.32. although i used to think fragrance sensitive people were a bit silly/annoying, i think i am becoming one of them!33. the ipod has made me a strutter. (just try to walk home listening to it's your thing by the jackson 5 without strutting.)(above pic is my friend heather and me around age 5? and we are clearly very happy to be doing dishes.)
mom's visiting for the weekend, so i'm posting this bday list today a bit early. ciao until monday!