here is another. i like the blue light through the door on this one.
these were taken right before going to see margaret cho. i looked a lot less serious during the show! :-) what margaret says is hilarious and politically right on!, but her facial expressions and her impersonations are the funniest i think.
margaret also has a blog. i just read about zach there. zach was put by his parents into some crazy, scary fucked up place called "Love in Action." the organization's "christian" leader says, "I would rather you commit suicide than have you leave Love In Action wanting to return to the gay lifestyle. In a physical death you could still have a spiritual resurrection; whereas, returning to homosexuality you are yielding yourself to a spiritual death from which there is no recovery." INFURIATING. can't believe a parent would send their child to such a person/place. sign a petition against the insanity here.
zach's blog
what a powerful pic & post. i hate to say hate but i hate fear & this kind of ignorance. i just don't get it. thanks for filling us in on Zach. mav
great self portrait - thank you also for sharing the zach story - the ignorance in this world is astounding.
love the selfportrait. i'm so heartbroken over that story of zach and truly do not understand how an organization like that exists. who can support suicide -- i've never heard such BS.
hmm... did we pass each other yesterday morn at like 7am?! it just dawned on me who the "familiar" face might be!
back in the 70's i saw a great documentary chronicling a group of gay men and women and their stories -- one that stuck with me was the woman whose parents institutionalized her! unbelievable...and sad that civil rights still have not progressed all that far in this day and age...
peace out,
Thanks for those links. Margaret Cho doesn't exist over here but I really like her blog. And I hadn't heard about this whole Zach thing. Is it a big story in the states?
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