possible things to do while there, besides just being a lot with mormor (probably will only have time for a few of the below):
*take lots of pictures
*visit and fika with camilla and morran!
*draw mormor, mom, others
*keep a journal with drawings
*get that poster at moderna museet that i've been thinking about since last july when i was there (i'll show you it once i get it!)
*go to used plate store pa kungsholmen
*go to myrorna and other thrift stores to look for cool fabrics
*go to marimekko store and fabric stores
*go to art museums, waldermarsudde
*visit with my friend amelie
*skargard (archipelago) day trip
*do something queer-related (i have yet to find a queer scene in stockholm. it's very illusive, if it even exists at all. and yes, i've looked pa soder.)
*eat fil, hart brod, svensk ost, svenska potatis, kex choklad, cocosbollar, chokladbollar, princess tarta och dricka saft
*fika fika fika (for non swedish speakers, i found a good description of fika on some physics forum. it was posted by someone who goes by vaxan. "for example - in swedish: ska vi ta en fika? or even: ska vi fika? has no english equivalent, the nearest english analogue would be.. fancy a cuppa? or in the american language: would you like to join me for a cozy cup of tea or coffee and sweets or sandwiches, and most likely at a café or someone's home? - the phrase 'ska vi fika?' evokes an instant feeling of coziness in swedes, in english speakers it makes more intellectual demands (more synaptic operations)" i love the part about how it evokes an instant feeling of coziness. indeed!

a garage door in bernal heights, sf (where i walked around this weekend) somewhat reminiscent of swedish house colors

the red garage was right by the bernal bricks, a small portion of winfield street that is brick. i love the bricks.

Sorry your mum has had an avccedient, but do enjoy your trip - enjoy lots of fika (good word).
Wow, that's a beautiful blue SF sky! : ) I love brick and stone roads too. I used to love finding them all over New York City. Some streets had been paved over multiple times, but a stone or two would still pop through triumphantly. : )
beautiful pictures... i'm sure your trip will be a good balance of family & all you have mentioned here. i certainly can't wait to see pictures. be well... mav
That's a funny looong way to attempt to convey the meaning of fika for Americans, those poor buggers ;) Fika ska man, annars dör man!
Have a safe trip!
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