from jenny vorwaller. isn't it lovely? i love it! jenny's blog is one of my favorites. most of you i'm sure know her blog, but if not, check it out.
i like the way jenny writes, often sharing pieces of thoughts, or poetic, abstract descriptions, leaving her meaning up to some interpretation. i like it when someone's writing makes you think/feel not just because of the content, but also because of style/form. i also like what she has to say, her choice of colors, her photos and her art. see her etsy shop too.
oh, and my little tree came in a package with swedish hymn music on it. not sure if that was intentional, but the swede in me thought, "roligt!" (roligt=fun)
since it's SPT and we're still on the theme of introduction, i spose i'll share some other tidbits...
what, what, what....the self portrait challenge site suggests some questions to answer, one being who lives in your house?: my housemate/friend erica (the sister of a friend from high school) and pinky leon. both of these characters have had numerous appearances on this here blog. speaking of my housemate erica, erica and i both love christopher walken, and this question reminds me of the hilarious SNL christopher walken census skit. the census taker comes to ask cw how many people live in his apartment. cw is this crazy guy wearing a hawaiian shirt who thinks he's married to a bobcat. but in answer to the census guy's question, cw says 80 people live in his apartment. the census guy is obviously incredulous, and asks who these 80 people are. cw counts candy bars among his apt. inhabitants. oh, here is the transcript (you can find everything on the internet!). cw's delivery is of course the funniest part though. he is ridiculously funny.
Love the tree and the photo. "I've got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell". That would have to be my favorite Christopher Walken & Will Farrell moment. But i love the census one too!
Jenny's necklace looks gorgeous on you!!...and you are right about her blog, so wonderful to read...! (like yours ;D) xox
sweetness. i feel likewise about miss jenny v. little SF fan club here:)
shash!! oh my goodness. you flatter me so!!
this couldn't look more lovely on you!
thank you so much for this :)
(and yay for old swedish hymnals! i have been using that for wrapping and i love it, the cover is a beautiful thin leather and it smells yummy...)
candy bars are *definetly* occupants here at our house, because i'm sad when they leave! (in my mouth...)
ooooh... beautiful necklace! I LOVE trees... I can stare up into them for hours... : )
HILARIOUS, det där med CW! Jag ääälskar den scenen! Skulle gärna ha den på dvd. Skrattade till och med när jag läste the transcript :-D CW regerar!
Förresten, det är bara kul att du länkar till mig!
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