jen, sarah and i visited a friend and her chickens in the outer sunset today. it was quite chilly out there, but lydia, gracie and henrietta were scooting around the backyard and didn't seem bothered by the chill. they were gathered under a large, billowing, fragrant rosemary bush when we arrived, but they came out for snacks and to cluck at us and do some laps around the yard. their clucking is remarkably reassuring. it really feels like they're chatting like little old ladies or something. not about anything life shattering. just harmless comments to make the time pass and be social.
that brown beauty with the pea comb and with her eye on you at the bottom is gracie (i believe), and she seems very curious and funny. she is my favorite.
anyhow, in our backyard community garden dreams chickens roost. but it looks like that won't happen in my yard because my landlord probably won't allow it. but it will happen in jen and bob's near future yard! i can see it now!
yes, yes, yes!! & you'll be their auntie that takes care of them too. actually, you'll own one of them at least :) still don't know how dixie loo is gonna hang out with them though...!
or, we need to just buy a duplex/triplex together!
this all sounds excellent. how about a duplex with a separate little cottage in the backyard? (i'll live there.)
Precis såna hönor tittade jag på igår! De låter verligen hela tiden...
Oh, so much fun! My mom also had chickens in her garden and it so funny to have them around :)
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