Friday, April 29, 2005

Straus Home Ranch

yesterday i went with a couple of friends to the Straus Home Ranch in Marshall, California. we took the day off to get out of the city and visit some cows. the day started off a bit rainy, but by the time we got to the farm, it was clear and sunny.

the Straus family is quite amazing. they were and continue to be pioneers of organic dairy farming. if only all the gigantic farms could become small farms and use sustainable farming and energy to produce food that helps sustain the environment. food that is far healthier and yummier to eat! we got to sample the new Straus mint chip ice cream and coffee ice cream - DEElicious (and available at Whole Foods and Berkeley Bowl, among other places).

the herders

1 comment:

mati rose said...

that sounds amazing! also, i just noticed all your books that you've listed. good idea! i've read quite a few on your list too, erika lopez is a riot!